There are many approaches to helping you with your addictions. My personal view is that, if it works, do more of it! I originally gave up smoking with a combination of patches, chewing gum, a smoking pipette and a hypnosis video. Some people will use e-cigarettes or vapes, and some will use good old fashioned willpower.
NLP can offer a range of strategies to help you along this path. Given that all behaviour has a positive intent (a presupposition of NLP), we take a look at that and explore a range of alternative options to express and satisfy this intent. We can work with a range of practical techniques to help. However, unlike many other approaches, NLP explores your beliefs that you have attached to smoking, rather than your smoking behaviour. In other words, if you believe that smoking serves a purpose for you it will be difficult to give up. If that belief can be changed to a more positive perspective, and that purpose is a healthier process, then giving up smoking will be easy!
We are pattern making machines. These patterns develop very quickly. If we feel stressed, reach for a cigarette and as a result we feel less stressed, then we have formed a pattern with a payoff. We have developed an internal cue to smoke - feel stressed, smoke, feel better. If the brain gave a different message every time you smoked you may not reach for the next cigarette. NLP techniques disrupt these patterns, change your internal dialogue and help you to think about different ways to manage the stressors. You don’t have to go through long term behavioural changes and months of agonising withdrawals, cravings and obsessional thinking. If you change your belief about smoking the rest will happen by itself!
You can expect a supportive and motivating space to explore these issues, to detail and to work through them, step by step, so that your dreams can become a reality. Whether they are personal, health-related or career orientated, NLP will help you get there!